Mouse Control London, Essex, Kent, Surrey, Hertfordshire and Cambridge.

House Mouse (Mus Domesticus)
Originated in the steppes of Central Asia .
Reportedly found in this country as early as the 9th Century, when and how will continue to remain unsolved.
Certainly as agricultural practices improved man’s harvests, the need for greater storage facilities were created thus providing more food and nesting sites for mice and rats.
House mice will drink water if available but can survive on food with a moisture content of 15%. It is omnivorous, feeding from a number of different points.
Whole wheat, which has been partly eaten by mice, has a kibbled appearance whilst whole grain, partly eaten by rats, has a cut or chopped appearance. However mice will eat almost anything they find in a house.
Were will you find them?
In a house you will find them in the kitchen, under units, behind fridges, behind bath panels, under stair cupboards and boiler and airing cupboards to name just a few places. In the past we have had to deal with a mouse getting stuck in a toaster but this is very rare.